Four Reasons You May Notice Temperature Inconsistencies Throughout Your Home
During the warm months, you expect relief from the heat when you walk into your house. When you find that one room in the home feels much different than the next room, something could be wrong. Your air conditioning system may not be working as efficiently as it should with the house varying in temperature. The more you adjust the thermostat to ensure a consistent temperature throughout the home, you could be increasing your energy bill causing you to pay way more than you should. In order to troubleshoot your temperature inconsistencies, here are some causes to look into.
Check Your Vents
If you look around your home, you can easily identify where the air conditioning vents lie. Most vents have a switch on them that allows you to open and close them as needed. If you find that the temperature in one room is different than the next, you should check that the vents are not closed off. This can prohibit the air from flowing through the vent and into the room. At times, the vent may be partially closed, making the air conditioner work much harder than it needs to.
Damaged Air Duct
The air ducts are a crucial component of your heating and cooling systems. When one of the air ducts is damaged, you could have air leaking out of an area where it shouldn't be. This can restrict the proper amount of air flow making one room much hotter than another. The best way to ensure you do not have a leak in your air ducts is to have them inspected. A leaky air duct could decrease your HVAC efficiency up to 40%.
Lack of Insulation
The layer of insulation in your walls is not uniform throughout your home. In fact, insulation can decrease due to water damage or rodent damage. Additionally, insulation can shift due to gravity. To help ensure that your rooms are well insulated, you should have an HVAC technician come and inspect your home. They can help insulate areas that are not well insulated so your room remains a consistent temperature all year long.
Direct and Indirect Sunlight
The window placement in your home can also affect the temperature in each room. When the sun beams directly into the window and into the room, it heats it up. You may notice rooms that are facing the sunlight will tend to be warmer. You can block the sunlight using curtains and blinds. Some windows are also designed to help block out sunlight as well.
For more information, talk to a professional like Cape Fear Air Conditioning & Heating Co., Inc.