How To Know If Your Furnace Has A Cracked Heat Exchanger

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A cracked heat exchanger is something you will need to take very seriously. It can cause carbon monoxide to be released into your home. Even if carbon monoxide is not being released, the cracked heat exchanger can cause your furnace to stop working. If you suspect that you have a cracked heat exchanger, contact heating repair services as soon as you can.

Why Your Furnace Needs a Heat Exchanger

The job of the heat exchanger is to heat air to keep your home warm. The heat exchanger is enclosed in a container so that the heat can be circulated through the furnace safely. However, heat exchangers will sometimes become cracked. Even if you inspect the heat exchanger, you might find it difficult to determine if it is cracked.

The Flame Will Change Color

Inspect the furnace flame. It should look blue. If it's yellow instead, either your burner is dirty or your heat exchanger has become cracked. The flame turns yellow because the furnace is not burning all of the gases. Also, the cracked exchanger can cause the flame to flicker.

Soot Will Build Up Inside the Furnace

Because a cracked exchanger causes gases to not be fully combusted, this can cause soot build-up. However, you won't know that soot is building up without taking your furnace apart. This is best done by heating repair services because you will need to remove key components and your furnace will not function properly if you do not put the parts back together again.

Your Furnace Will Smell Bad

Your furnace should not produce strong odors. You might notice a strong formaldehyde-like odor coming out of your furnace. Do not inhale these fumes because they are very toxic. You will want to shut off your furnace and wait for a heating repair service to arrive.

You Might Set Off the Carbon Monoxide Alarm

A cracked heat exchanger can lead to your family being at risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. This is because the heat exchanger plays an important role in venting dangerous gases from a furnace powered by fossil fuels.

It's important to have a carbon monoxide alarm installed in your home. This alarm will trigger when the sensors detect the presence of carbon monoxide. The buildup of carbon monoxide in your home can be very lethal. Do not remain in a home that has carbon monoxide. Your furnace will need to be turned off and a heating system repair contractor must identify and fix the problem with your furnace. 

For more information about heating repair services, contact a local company. 
